Phillip Hurst

Project Manager // Estimator Phillip Hurst

Phillip Hurst

Project Manager // Estimator

What do you enjoy most about working at Renfrow+Co?

The culture and quality of people are way up there at the top of my list. There are always a lot of creative things going on, which I enjoy because I get to use that creative side of my brain. The capabilities that Renfrow has… we can bid and produce anything! 

What is your favorite Renfrow+Co project that you have been a part of?

Josey Lake that was done back in the day. At the time, it was by far the biggest job we had ever done and was the first job I estimated at Renfrow.

What advice would you give a candidate wanting to join our team?

If you’re inexperienced – take it slow, soak everything up, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Be eager to learn. For experienced people, just be part of the team and do your job.

What is your favorite thing to do in Houston?

Spending time with my wife would be number one. I like the Houston Zoo, I like to golf. I like going to sporting events. I love the Astros and have always been a hardcore Texans fan.

What is your hidden talent?

Drive, compassion, and a willingness to learn. I’m always asking “Why?” and “How?”