Jake Pryor

Woodshop Manager Jacob Pryor

Jake Pryor

Woodshop Manager

What do you enjoy most about working at Renfrow+Co?

The creative work that we get to put into spaces for people to enjoy.

What is your favorite Renfrow+Co project that you have been part of?

The Montrose Collective benches were one of my favorite projects because I got to design them. Then the project followed me into the woodshop where I got to participate in building them.

What is your favorite thing to do in Houston?

I enjoy all of the nerdy events at the George R. Brown.

Who was the most influential person to you as a child?

My dad because he showed me how to be a Creative Craftsman.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

It flip-flopped between woodworking and a mechanic.